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Div Transparencies - Opaque Text


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Using the sample code on http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_image_transparency.asp (Example 3 - Text in Transparent Box), I tried changing the color of the div to black and the color of the text to white, working on a kind of "glass" effect over a background image.However, I seem to be running into a problem where the text within the div gets the same transparency as the div itself. I tried adding the following to the style for "div.transbox p":

/* for IE */filter:alpha(opacity=100);/* CSS3 standard */opacity:1;/* for Mozilla */-moz-opacity:1;

But that doesn't seem to make a difference. Currently I'm testing in Opera and IE, and both seem to be applying the transparency to the text. Can anyone think of a way to keep the text fully opaque, so that white text doesn't end up being too dim? Any help would be much appreciated, thank you.

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