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Newbie Question about Adding Pages

Guest SA_ATS

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Guest SA_ATS

I'm very new to .NET and I was put on a project where 40% of what we use is .NET (not fair huh? :-) ) anyway, I'm going to be getting some training, but I have a quick question.I need to add a page to our website and it needs to include our Navigation menu, a couple of Headers, and a Footer. I've done that before with HTML/PHP/ASP, and I see how it works in .NET (using C#), but I cannot get the page to display. Here is an example of what we're using

<%@ Register TagPrefix="uc1" TagName="SectionHeader" Src="../Include/Navigation/SectionHeader.ascx" %>

Then further down in a 'wrapper'

<uc1:SectionHeader id="ucSectionHeader" runat="server" currentsection="News"></uc1:SectionHeader>

I know this is pretty vague, but would I just be able to recreate a page with the same format I need, just with the updated information? I'm sure I'm missing something.Thanks - Scott

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We use some web controls on our pages and while some of them can simply be referenced like you have in your post, others need to also have some method run in the code behind. So, in your case, you might look at the code behind on another page that uses this control to see if there is anything happening there that finally causes the control to be displayed.Something along the lines of:

ucSectionHeader.Visible = true;



It all really depends on how the author of that control intended for the control to be used.

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