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rounding up a bunch of setTimeouts


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With a lot of help—see recent posts—I've arrived at a function which changes two styles on a single element:function boxDC (boxname,display,color) { box = document.getElementById(boxname); box.style.display = display; box.style.color = color;}This is to be applied to a bunch of divs at regular intervals. I can do it primitive:function fireOne() { boxDC('jim','block','white');setTimeout('boxDC(\'jon\',\'block\',\'white\') ' ,60);setTimeout('boxDC(\'tom\',\'block\',\'white\') ' ,120);}but the bunch is bigger than 3 divs. So it looks like an array is needed, and a loop, which is where I'm still having problems:function fireOne() {// 32 divs oneWhite = new Array("jim","jon","tom", ... thru to "bob");function boxDC (boxname,display,color) { box = document.getElementById(boxname); box.style.display = display; box.style.color = color; } for (i = 0; i < oneWhite.length; i++) {setTimeout('boxDC(\'boxname\',\'block\',\'white\')', 60) }}looks close, but no cigar so far.cheersCT

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Don't use loops, as then there will be no pause between your style changes, use setTimeout() itself to cause the function to run multiple times.

function boxDC (display,color,current) { //Why need boxname when you have oneWhite?oneWhite = new Array("jim","jon","tom", ... thru to "bob"); //32 elementsbox = document.getElementById(oneWhite[current]);box.style.display = display;box.style.color = color;if (current != oneWhite.length - 1) {current++;setTimeout("boxDC('" + display + "','" + color + "'," + current + ")",60);}}

And invoke it boxDC("block","white",0) where current always equals 0 (as you want to start at array index 0).

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