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setTimeouts not working


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Back again:Sorry, but function below isn't working. I've double-checked the array items; script is in the head of the html file; have tried several combinations of backslash with single and double quotes; tried [current] inside boxDC()... stumped but hopeful.<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">function boxDC (display,color,current) {oneWhite = new Array("h01","h03","h05","h09");box = document.getElementById(oneWhite[current]);box.style.display = display;box.style.color = color;if (current != oneWhite.length - 1) {current++;setTimeout("boxDC('" + display + "','" + color + "'," + [current] + ")",60);}}</script>called with<a href="#" onclick="boxDC("block","white",0); return false">test</a>

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The problem is not in the function, which works, however the way you are calling it will not work as you have quotation marks in your onclick value (onclick="boxDC("block","white",0); return false") which causes the browser to try to run onclick="boxDC(". Replace it with

<a href="#" onclick="boxDC('block','white',0); return false">test</a>

Oh, and remove the square brackets ( [ ) around "current". They will cause the function to fail.

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