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querystring problem


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Hi,I have a link label to list some news titles on my home page and as one clicked, it should send selected news' id to news page. Here is my Page_Load f'n;

		    while(reader.Read())			{				newsLabel.Text += "**"+ reader["NewsTitle"] + "<br/><br/>";				newsLabel.PostBackUrl = "News.aspx?id=" + reader["NewsID"];							}

However, it sends the same id for each title. What I get is "http://Server/Project8/News.aspx?id=4" . Why doesn't it take the specific id of selected title? :) Thanks.

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Because it will just send the last ID in your recordset. Think about it, say it loops for 4 records with IDs 1,2,3,4. First it sets the PostBackUrl with 1, then assigns 2, then assigns 3, then assigns 4. And every time what do we end up with? 4. You will have to limit your recordset when you call the reader.Open method so that it only selects a certain news item.

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