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one function, repeated with different arrays


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This changes display and color sucessively for the items in the array:function boxDC (display,color,current) {oneWhite = new Array("h01","h03","h05","h09");box = document.getElementById(oneWhite[current]);box.style.display = display;box.style.color = color;if (current != oneWhite.length - 1) {current++;setTimeout("boxDC('" + display + "','" + color + "'," + [current] + ")",60);}}How to extend this function so that on different occasions it can be used with different arrays? Something like...oneWhite = new Array("h01","h03","h05","h09");oneRed = new Array("h02","h04","h06","h07");oneGreen = new Array("h01","h02","h08","h09");function boxDC (array, display,color,current) {box = document.getElementById(arrayname[current]);box.style.display = display;box.style.color = color;if (current != oneWhite.length - 1) {current++;setTimeout("boxDC('"+ array"','" + display + "','" + color + "'," + [current] + ")",60);}}positively the last question about this function !cheers.

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I think your function is pretty close to working.If you had those three arrays:

oneWhite = new Array("h01","h03","h05","h09");oneRed = new Array("h02","h04","h06","h07");oneGreen = new Array("h01","h02","h08","h09");

And you passed one of those arrays as an argument to the function:

boxDC(oneGreen, 'block', '#ff8c00', 2);

Then in your function, you could do something like this:

function boxDC(array, display, color, current){	box = document.getElementById(array[current]);	box.style.display = display;	box.style.color = color;	if (current != array.length - 1)	{		current++;		setTimeout("boxDC('"+ array"','" + display + "','" + color + "'," + current + ")",60);	}}

Notice that if you call your parameter "array" in the function definition, and the parameter that you pass that function is, in fact, an array, you can simply use that name as if it were the array itself.Example:

var AnArray = new Array(1,2,3,4,5);function Test(SomeArray){	alert("There are " + SomeArray.length + " elements in that array.");}Test(AnArray);

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