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redirect url with javascript


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Hello;I got a problem with using redirect url with javascript. Could anyone help, please.

<html><head><script type="text/javascript">function myFuction(char){ setTimeout('window.location="../country/"' + 'char',3000)}</script></head><button id="b2" onClick="myFuction('2')"> 2 </button></html>
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That function will relocate you to ../country/char (but it has syntax error fixed below). To use the char variable, you can't have quotes around it.

<html><head><script type="text/javascript">function myFuction(char){setTimeout('window.location="../country/' + char + '"',3000)}</script></head><body><button id="b2" onClick="myFuction('2')"> 2 </button></body></html>


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That function will relocate you to ../country/char (but it has syntax error fixed below). To use the char variable, you can't have quotes around it.
<html><head><script type="text/javascript">function myFuction(char){setTimeout('window.location="../country/' + char + '"',3000)}</script></head><body><button id="b2" onClick="myFuction('2')"> 2 </button></body></html>


i don't known why it still does not work.At the .htaccess filei wrote a rewriteRule as following;RewriteEngine OnRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-fRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-dRewriteRule ^([^/]+)/([^/]+)/$ submit.php?name1=$1&name2=$2 [L]
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What doesn't work? Does it open up a new window, but can't find the address, or does nothing happen when you click the button?

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What doesn't work? Does it open up a new window, but can't find the address, or does nothing happen when you click the button?
it does not open a new window.and i tested the following code for the rewriteRule, it does the job well.<a href="/country/2/"> testing </a>and the browser bring out of the "http://www.mysite/country/2/"and i changed the followingsetTimeout('window.location="../country/' + char + '"',3000) tosetTimeout('window.location="/country/' + char + '/' + '"',3000) but it also does not open a new window for me.
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Oops sorry, I must be tired... the function won't open a new window, it should just redirect your browser. But it doesn't?

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What doesn't work? Does it open up a new window, but can't find the address, or does nothing happen when you click the button?
i changed my code as following;
<html><head></head><body><script type="text/javascript">var char; // global variablefunction myFunction(char) {window.setTimeout("delayit()", 3000);}function delayit() {window.location.href = "../country/" + char;}</script><button id="b2" onClick="myFunction('2')"> 2 </button></body></html>
it's better now, it bring out a window, and get the right content from a specify file.But the url from the address bar is not right, it give me the result like the following;http://www.mysite.com/country/undefined/it should be like the "http://www.mysite.com/country/2/"but i does known why?
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Oops sorry, I must be tired... the function won't open a new window, it should just redirect your browser. But it doesn't?
Thanks for your time, i solved the problem already.
var char; // global variablefunction myFunction(str) {char=str;window.setTimeout("delayit()", 3000);}function delayit() {alert(char);window.location.href = "/country/" + char + "/";}
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