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Am I valid??


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Is this code valid, one validator tells me NO and another says YES. Who is correct?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?><!DOCTYPE site_info [	<!ELEMENT site_info (page)>	<!ELEMENT page (title, sort_order, author, p_body, date_posted, edited?)>	<!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)>	<!ELEMENT sort_order (#PCDATA)>	<!ELEMENT author (#PCDATA)>	<!ATTLIST author level CDATA #REQUIRED>	<!ELEMENT p_body (#PCDATA)>	<!ELEMENT date_posted (month, date, year)>	<!ELEMENT month (#PCDATA)>	<!ELEMENT date (#PCDATA)>	<!ELEMENT year (#PCDATA)>	<!ELEMENT edited (edit_date, author)>	<!ELEMENT edit_date (month, date, year)>]><site_info>	<page>		<title>Home</title>		<sort_order>100</sort_order>		<author level="admin">mikeandfox</author>		<p_body><![CDATA[ <p>Creative Learning Daycare and Preschool</p><br /> ]]></p_body>		<date_posted>			<month>May</month>			<date>21</date>			<year>1982</year>		</date_posted>		<edited>			<edit_date>				<month>October</month>				<date>31</date>				<year>2007</year>			</edit_date>			<author level="admin">mikeandfox</author>		</edited>	</page></site_info>

I am just starting to learn XML, so I am doing some exercises as I go through the O'Reilly "XML in a nutshell". I just want to be sure I am on the right track so far. Thanks :)

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It is valid. It's just that some validators don't support inline DTDs. If you place your DTD in an external file, and reference it from the XML file, you should validate at both validators.

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