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Help! 3 - Table Formatting Issues


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:) I tried creating a table using the codes below. My table is centered, however, the table covers the page from left to right. I was hoping for a table centered/blocked in the center of the page. I wanted to add color to the table and the table shows up with the standard table background? Also, after saving the file in html when viewing the webpage I see a lot of url codes (characters) separating the table heading from the table. How can I view the webpage as it should appear on the Internet? Thanks. <html><body><align="center"><thead><big><b>TABLE</BIG></B></thead><table><align="center"><table border="2"><rgb(255,0,255)><tr><td>12,345, 678</td><td>91011, 1213</td></tr><tr><td>141,516, 171,819</td><td>202,122, 232,425</td><tr><td>262,829, 303,132</td><td>333,435, 363,738</td></tr></table></align></rgb(255,0,255)></table border>
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Umm, a big part of your code isn't even valid HTML. I'm not exactly sure what you're asking, but I think fixing up your table code a bit might help make things better.There are no such things as <align>, </table border>, <rgb()>. You need to learn a little more about HTML. Try looking through the HTML tutorial: http://w3schools.com/html/

<html><head><title>Page title</title></head><body><table align="center" style="border: 2px solid #FF00FF"><tr><td colspan="2"><h1>TABLE</h1></td></tr><tr><td>12,345, 678</td><td>91011, 1213</td></tr><tr><td>141,516, 171,819</td><td>202,122, 232,425</td></tr><tr><td>262,829, 303,132</td><td>333,435, 363,738</td></tr></table></body></html>

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:) I tried creating a table using the codes below. My table is centered, however, the table covers the page from left to right. I was hoping for a table centered/blocked in the center of the page. I wanted to add color to the table and the table shows up with the standard table background? Also, after saving the file in html when viewing the webpage I see a lot of url codes (characters) separating the table heading from the table. How can I view the webpage as it should appear on the Internet? Thanks. <html><body><align="center"><thead><big><b>TABLE</BIG></B></thead><table><align="center"><table border="2"><rgb(255,0,255)><tr><td>12,345, 678</td><td>91011, 1213</td></tr><tr><td>141,516, 171,819</td><td>202,122, 232,425</td><tr><td>262,829, 303,132</td><td>333,435, 363,738</td></tr></table></align></rgb(255,0,255)></table border>
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