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Expandable Divs


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Hi, I am having a go at making a template using CSS to do all the formatting. I want my container and some other Divs to have a fixed minimum hight, but expand with the page content.To do this in the past I used to put all my stuff in tables, but I would like to do it in CSS if possible. Heres an example of what I have got:

#container{	width: 800px;	height: 600px; 	//I want some sort of height override that sets it at 100% if the contents are more than 600px high	margin-left: auto;	margin-right: auto;	border: medium #FFFFFF;}

Anyone know what to do? Cheers.

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use the min/max-width and min/max-height properties instead. Unlike the widht and height, which give fixed dimensions, those two provide the element they're applied on dimensions within a certain interval. For example:

	min-width: 800px;	min-height: 600px;	max-width: 100%;	max-height: 100%;

You may also just use the overflow property to define what happens when the content exceeds its boundaries. For example:

	width: 800px;	height: 600px;	overflow: visible;

will show the content of the whole box if the box exceeds the specified dimensions. Using the value "hidden" instead of "visible" would cut out the content that exceeds the specified dimensions.

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