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Trying to position a <div> to stay in corner even when scrolling


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Hi, I have a <div> that I would like to be positioned in the bottom right corner of the screen. I've tried using css position:absolute, but that only keeps it positioned there when someone resizes the window. I would like it to stay in the corner even when the user scrolls down the page.Here's the code if it helps at all:

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">function countDown(){	var months			= new Array("January", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December")	var rightNow 		= new Date();	var hours 			= rightNow.getHours();	var mins 			= rightNow.getMinutes();	var sec				= rightNow.getSeconds();	var year			= rightNow.getFullYear();	var month			= rightNow.getMonth() + 1;	var day				= rightNow.getDate();	var daysInMonth 	= 32 - new Date(year, month -1, 32).getDate();	var daysLeftinMonth = daysInMonth - day;	var targetDate  	= new Date("March 31, 2008 23:59:59");	var targetMonth		= targetDate.getMonth() + 1;	var am_pm			= "AM";	var variableMonth 	= new Date();	var variabledaysInMonth=0;	var daysUntilExpire; //Calculated below counts how many days from now until the expiration date	var hoursUntilExpire;	var secondsInADay	= 24*60*60;		for (var i = month; i < targetMonth-1; i++){		if (i < 10){			i = "0" + i;		}		variabledaysInMonth += 32 - new Date(year, i, 32).getDate();	}	//EXPIRATION CALCULATIONS	daysUntilExpire = variabledaysInMonth + daysLeftinMonth + targetDate.getDate() - 2;	var secondsInFullDays = daysUntilExpire*24*60*60;	var secondsToday 	= (hours*60*60) + mins*60 + sec;	var secondsLeft 	= secondsInADay - secondsToday + secondsInFullDays;	var countDays 		= Math.floor(secondsLeft/60/60/24);	var countHours 		= Math.floor((secondsLeft - countDays*secondsInADay)/60/60);	var countMins		= Math.floor((secondsLeft - (countDays*secondsInADay + countHours*60*60))/60);	var countSeconds	= secondsLeft - (countDays*secondsInADay + countHours*60*60 + countMins*60);	//Time conversions	if (hours > 12){		hours-=12;		am_pm = "PM";	}	if (mins < 10){		mins = "0" + mins;	}	if (countSeconds < 10){		countSeconds = "0" + countSeconds;	}	document.getElementById("displayClock").innerHTML = countDays + " days " + countHours + " hours " + countMins + " minutes " + countSeconds + " seconds";}var int=self.setInterval("countDown()", 50);</script><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">function closeCountdown(){	document.getElementById("show").innerHTML = "";}</script><!--Hide or show Div --><div id="show">	<!-- CONTAIN AND POSITION -->	<div  id="containCount" style="width: 254px; position:absolute; bottom: 10px; right: 10px; font-size:10px; ">		<div style=" width: 254px; text-align:center;"><a href="java script:closeCountdown()" style="color:#000000; font-size: 12px; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; text-decoration:underline;">Close</a></div>		<div id="containCountBody" style="width: 254px; background-color: #333300;">			<div id="displayClock" style="width:250px; text-align: center; background-color: #333300;">				</div>			<a href="java script:closeCountdown()"><img src="http://localhost/images/stories/PresSaleAd.jpg" border="0" style="padding: 0px 0px 2px 2px; "></a>					</div>	</div></div>


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Thanks, I just made a quick test page and that seems to work, but I can't test it out on the project until monday. I read up a little on it and it seems that the browser support for position:fixed is not that good, though. If the support isn't good for it, I was thinking that maybe javascript could position it using x,y coordinates or something, but I'm not sure if thats possible or how to do it.Thanks again!

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