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date() function isn't working


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I must have bad luck when it comes to PHP... I have a counter page that says the amount of people that have visited it that day, and total. but the way I am doing it, it never resets the today colum in my SQL DB... take a look and see if you can find any problems:

<?phpsetcookie("counter",":-)",time()+3600*24*30*12*99*99,NULL,'.clone-drone.net');?><html><head><title>You were tricked</title></head><body bgcolor="#000000"><center><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><font color="#FFFFFF"><h3><?php$con = mysql_connect('localhost',***********,'***********');mysql_select_db("clonedro_email", $con);$a = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Counter");$b = mysql_fetch_array($a);$d = date('G');if(!isset($_COOKIE['counter'])){  $n = mysql_query("UPDATE Counter SET number = number + 1");  $y = mysql_query("UPDATE Counter SET today = today + 1");  if($d < $b['hour'])  {  $x = mysql_query("UPDATE Counter SET today = 0");  $n = mysql_query("UPDATE Counter SET hour = $d");  }}echo $b['number']." people have been tricked to visit this page,<br>"echo $b['today']." people have been tricked today.";mysql_close($con);?></h3><br>Pass it on, tell your friends about it:<br>http://clone-drone.net/huh.phtml<br><br><br><br><br>Started Feb. 25, 2008</body></html>

I have already tried deleting the cookie then revisiting the page, but nothing works!

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I have a counter page that says the amount of people that have visited it that day, and total. but the way I am doing it, it never resets the today colum in my SQL DB... take a look and see if you can find any problems:
  if($d < $b['hour'])  {  $x = mysql_query("UPDATE Counter SET today = 0");  $n = mysql_query("UPDATE Counter SET hour = $d");  }

I'm guessing this is the reset that doesn't happen, and I think I know why. You try to test the "military" hour for being less than $b['hour']. But $b is mysql_fetch_array($a), and $a contains your entire table, rather than the row that mysql_fetch_array() expects:

$a = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Counter");

I suspect that $b is either FALSE or NULL, which should make it 0 in a numerical comparison - which would explain why it can't be greater than date('G').

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