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input tag mystery


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I have a form which auto populates with values when one selects a city from a list. The onchange event of the select control calls a javascript function which uses AJAX to pass a query to a php script which returns an XML which is picked up by another javascript function which calls a series of

document.getElementById('POC_City').value = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("POC_City")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;

which populate the other fields in the form. But some of them weren't populating.

<td><input type="text" name="POC_City" id="POC_City" size="25" maxlength="50" tabindex="31" /></td>

untill I added a name attribute which contained the same content as the id. Why did this make it work? I am beginning to think I do not know my name from my id, or my browser doesn't. Why does this not work just using the id?

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