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Turn off escaping?


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I'm using this form as a basic email form. After doing some random testing I found that, when there's an error with the form and it reloads the page with the previously entered content + errors, the content is escaped. Any \ or " or ' are escaped. Is there any way to turn this off? I hesitate to use stripslashes in case someone wanted slashes in their message so. Is there a way to turn the escaping off?Here's the script.FORM

<form method="post" action="mail.php" name="mail" onsubmit="return ValidateRequiredFields();">	<div class="contact"><p>* : Required Fields</p>	<p><b>* Name : </b>	<input type="text" name="Name" size="20" value='<?= $Name ?>' /></p>	<p><b>* Email : </b>	<input type="text" name="Email" size="20" value='<?= $Email ?>' /></p>	<p><textarea name="Message" rows="15" cols="52"><?= $Message ?></textarea></p></div>	<h1><input type="submit" value="Send" class="button" name="submit" /></h1></form>


<?php	$Name = $_REQUEST['Name'];	$Email = $_REQUEST['Email'];	$Message = $_REQUEST['Message'];	$submit = $_REQUEST['submit'];	$errors = Array();if(isset($submit)){	if ($Name == '' || !eregi('[a-z]', $Name)) {		$errors[] = '<h3>Please enter a valid name.</h3>';	}	if ($Email == '' || !eregi("^[a-z0-9]+([!#$%*/?|^{}`~&'+-=_][a-z0-9])*@[a-z0-9]+([!#$%*/?|^{}`~&'+-=_][a-z0-9])*.[a-z]{2,3}$", $Email)) {		$errors[] = '<h3>Please Enter a Valid Email Address.</h3>';	}	if ($Message == '') {		$errors[] = '<h3>Please enter a message.</h3>';	}	if (empty($errors) && isset($Email)) {		mail( "author@tsrealms.com",$Name,$Message,"From: $Email" );		echo '<h1>Thank you for your message! One of the admins should be getting back to you via email within 24 hours.</h1>';	} else {		foreach ($errors AS $e)			echo $e;			include 'mailform.txt';	}}else {	include 'mailform.txt';}?>

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