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RSS Feed Head Code


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Hi all, I have created a RSS feed for a project and included a link to it in the head section of the main html. However although the orange RSS logo now appears in the address bar, when it is clicked it goes straight to the raw XML data. When I click this logo in other websites I get a dialog asking what feed to add to my live bookmarks. This problem only arises in Firefox.Here is the link in the head section:<link href="RSS Feed.xml" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Marcus Lynch Resources" />Cheers for any help,Dave.

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Make sure you have

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?><rss version="2.0">

at the top of the RSS file. Or else FF won't know its RSS.

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It would be much easier to see the problem if you can give us a link to your feed, and another one that doesn't suffer from the same problem. Then we could try to do what you can do too - examine the differences.

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Yeh, sorry I understand that having the files online would be more useful but as they are for a lecturer they will be stored on the server at uni and they are not up yet. I thought it may be some obvious syntax error but it appears not to be.Synook, I have included the code you suggested, still no joy. Its strange as Opera seems to recognize it as does Safari and Sage in Firefox if i search for feeds on the page but not when I click on the RSS button directly. I can see no errors with my <link> tag and the RSS file itself as it works if I add it using sage. I also can't see any differences with other sites with RSS feeds embedded in them.I will see if the problem persists once the files are online. But cheers for all your help.Dave.

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