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Finding files incrementally


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Can you describe your situation more? What's different from just finding 2 files? EDIT: And what do you mean by "finding" files - opening them?

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So you have a list of files and the user should see each in turn. Write a page that shows one file, whose name (or index in an array of filenames) was passed via GET. To that page, add either a Next (and Previous) button or a menu with all files listed. Make the button(s)/menu change the GET parameter when clicked.

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Be careful with that, though; you don't want the user to see just any file on your server. You should implement some kind of filter for the user input so, for example, they can't use "../filename" to go up the directory tree. If you do that and only put files that aren't "classified" into that directory, I think that should be enough.

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