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"Switch on the light" effect


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Hi...I put the bulb from javascript tutorial and a picture of a small room and connected them as following: when you click on the bulb, it gets on (the source changes) AND the room starts to slowly change the opacity till 100 (the starting opacity is 0). You can have a look at my creation here: http://sweb.cz/srandovni-video/Now I would like it to run backwards...I would like to click on the bulb to switch it off AND to let the opacity go down to 0...I tried to make it happen very long yet it still doesn't work...Could someone help, please? Here's the code:<html><head><!--not important--><style type="text/css">div{background-color:black;width:200px;height:200px;}img.room{width:200px;height:200px;}</style><!--The functions:--><script type="text/javascript">cc=0;function changeimage() <!--this functions changes the source of the bulb-->{if (cc==0) {cc=1;document.getElementById('myimage').src="http://sweb.cz/srandovni-video/bulbon.gif";}else{cc=0;document.getElementById('myimage').src="http://sweb.cz/srandovni-video/bulboff.gif";}}var'>http://sweb.cz/srandovni-video/bulboff.gif";}}var dd=0var c=0; <!--c stands for opacity of the picture under the bulb-->var t;var t2;function timedCount(){if (dd==0){dd=1;fce()}else{dd=0;fce2()}}function fce(){clearTimeout(t2)document.getElementById('img').style.cssText = "opacity: " + (c / 100) + "; filter:alpha(opacity=" + c + ")";c=c+1;var t=setTimeout("fce()",5)}function fce2(){clearTimeout(t)document.getElementById('img').style.cssText = "opacity: " + (c / 100) + "; filter:alpha(opacity=" + c + ")";c=c-1;var t2=setTimeout("fce2()",5)}</script></head><body><img src="http://sweb.cz/srandovni-video/bulboff.gif" onClick="changeimage();timedCount()" id="myimage" /><div><img class="room" src="http://sweb.cz/srandovni-video/room.jpg" id="img" style="opacity:0;filter:alpha(opacity=0)" /></div></body></html>

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The only possible problem I can find is that you set no limit on how long the opacity will fade. Try limiting the opacity's range with an 'if' (in each fce) and see if that helps.

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The only possible problem I can find is that you set no limit on how long the opacity will fade. Try limiting the opacity's range with an 'if' (in each fce) and see if that helps.
I've tried it yet I still can't make it work...could you write a recommended code, please?
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try adding these to your functionsfunction fce(){ clearTimeout(t2) document.getElementById('img').style.cssText = "opacity: " + (c / 100) + "; filter:alpha(opacity=" + c + ")"; c=c+1; if (c>99) return var t=setTimeout("fce()",5)}function fce2(){ clearTimeout(t) document.getElementById('img').style.cssText = "opacity: " + (c / 100) + "; filter:alpha(opacity=" + c + ")"; c=c-1; if (c<1) return var t2=setTimeout("fce2()",5)}

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