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Problem with String...


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PHP gives the error...

	$fh = fopen("../includes/dbinfo.inc.php", "w");	if ($fh==false) {		die("unable to create ../includes/dbinfo.inc.php. Make sure the includes directory within the forum root dir is CHMOD to 0777.");	} else {	$strWriteData = "<?php\n$aDBInfo['type'] = '".$aDBInfo['type']."';\n$aDBInfo['address'] = '".$aDBInfo['address']."';\n$aDBInfo['username'] = '".$aDBInfo['username']."';\n$aDBInfo['password'] = '".$aDBInfo['password']."';\n$aDBInfo['database'] = '".$aDBInfo['database']."';\n$aDBInfo['email'] = '".$aDBInfo['email']."';\n?>";	fwrite($fh, $strWriteData);	fclose($fh);	}

How do I make it so I can still write this? (I need the line breaks in the destination file, so I cannot remove the \ns, and I cannot remove the variables that are inside the strings nor the beginning and ending <?php and ?>)

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Change it to this and see if it helps. (BTW, this should be faster and easier to read than the above.)

$strWriteData = "<?php\n\$aDBInfo['type'] = '{$aDBInfo['type']}';\n\$aDBInfo['address'] = '{$aDBInfo['address']}';\n\$aDBInfo['username'] = '{$aDBInfo['username']}';\n\$aDBInfo['password'] = '{$aDBInfo['password']}';\n\$aDBInfo['database'] = '{$aDBInfo['database']}';\n\$aDBInfo['email'] = '{$aDBInfo['email']}';\n?>";

I escaped the $s and used string parsing rather than concatenation.You might also be interested in heredocs.

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