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Submit a form with 'enter' key


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I found this code that works:

<script type="text/javascript"><!--function submitenter(myfield,e){var keycode;if (window.event) keycode = window.event.keyCode;else if (e) keycode = e.which;else return true;if (keycode == 13){document.chat_form.submit();return false;}elsereturn true;}//--></script><form name="chat_form"><textarea onKeyPress="return submitenter(this,event)" ></textarea></form>

and I have a new question.. is it possible when a window loads to have the mouse curser already inside of that textarea ready to type again?

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Any <input type="text"> will submit a form when enter is pressed. If you really mean a <textarea>, you might reconsider. Users expext the return key to enter a line break. Messing with that can upset people. You should generally stick with the familiar user interface if you want happy users.As to focusing a text element onload, I always recommend using a dedicated onload handler. It makes updating your code a whole lot easier:

function init () {   document.getElementById("myText").focus();   // Future statements go here;	// Future statements go here;	// Future statements go here;	// Future statements go here; }window.onload = init;

Eventually there comes a time when you want your onload handler to do multiple things. Starting off with this framework lets you add a new statement very easily, without pulling your code apart or wondering how it's done. I have webapps with literally dozens of statements in the onload handler, mostly assigning functions to buttons and menu items.

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