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Performance Issue


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Hey Experts,I am using AntennaHouse XSL for generating pdf from xml. It takes around 15 sec to generate 4 pages on a HP 2CPU 875Mhz 8 GB RAM. Is there any way to speed it up? I have tried both java as well as xalan.One observation is when i execute the XSLCmd command i get the folowing error message XSLCmd INFO: Error Level : 1XSLCmd INFO: Error Code : 9999 (270F)XSLCmd INFO: 6After the above message the pdf is generated successfully. It takes around 10 seconds to display the above message.Please help me in speeding up the process.

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There are some programs that can generate PDFs directly from XHTML or raw text data (or should I say - APIs for creating PDFs within a programming language).Using them will drastically improve performance, as there won't be any X(HT)ML-to-XSL-FO and XSL-FO-to-PDF steps. There will be just XHTML-to-PDF or text-to-PDF.The best tool that you should use depend on your environment. i.e. if the rest of your application is written in PHP, you'd need a PHP API for that, and if it's in ASP.NET, you'd need a .NET API for that and so on. Using an API from another environment is always possible, but would degrade performance a lot.

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Thanks for your response.We have almost developed the entire product and with the deadline of Monday it would be impossible to shift to any other program unless they are readily available. We are using XML to XSFL FO to PDF which is too late for me to change. let me know if you can help. Its very URGENT, without the performance issue resolved the client would not accept the product developed.thanks

There are some programs that can generate PDFs directly from XHTML or raw text data (or should I say - APIs for creating PDFs within a programming language).Using them will drastically improve performance, as there won't be any X(HT)ML-to-XSL-FO and XSL-FO-to-PDF steps. There will be just XHTML-to-PDF or text-to-PDF.The best tool that you should use depend on your environment. i.e. if the rest of your application is written in PHP, you'd need a PHP API for that, and if it's in ASP.NET, you'd need a .NET API for that and so on. Using an API from another environment is always possible, but would degrade performance a lot.
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You still haven't said what exactly is the program written in.If it's in anything in the .NET framework (C#, J#, VB, JScript, etc.) use the .NET API of AntennaHouse XSL. If it's in JAVA or JSP, use the JAVA API. For any other programming language (PHP for example) use COM, unless the language doesn't support it.You're probably using it from the command line currently, but that's the slowest way you can do it, and should be used only if there's no other way.

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