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Layout Totally Messed Up! (Especially images)

Isaiah 40:31

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So, I'm totally new to CSS, but quite familiar with the old html.I got a website to look pretty much like how I want it: http://www.newwaveblindcleaning.comI then tried to center the whole page and that's when things started going weird.I also tried to incorporate a "browser reset" code. I'm not yet done fixing everything so it'll look correct.Finally, I tried to clean up the html.But the three main problems I'm having now are:1) The main picture is not filling the whole container it gets cut off below the text.2) The "Buy Now" button is not staying in the left panel.3) The marquee shows as white on IE, but not on Safari.None of these problems existed before I centered the container and tried to incorporate the background image into the container.Here's the pages that sort of look like what I want (without being centered): http://www.members.shaw.ca/newwaveblindcle...ndexstarter.htmhttp://www.members.shaw.ca/newwaveblindcle...ylesstarter.cssHere's the pages that are messed up:http://www.members.shaw.ca/newwaveblindcle...exgonewrong.htmhttp://www.members.shaw.ca/newwaveblindcle...esgonewrong.cssWhat am I doing wrong????

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move the bg image back to the body element to fix the image problem and google ryanfait footer stick to see about the footer moving down.You getting paid for this one?
I do want to say that I am very grateful for those who contribute to us who need help on this site. I'd be totally lost without it. So a big THANK YOU!Anyways, back to the issue:If I move it to the body then it will be outside the box, won't it? The intention is to have it inside the div.container (the area surrounded by the white outline). This will allow the whole thing to be viewed exactly the same way on any screen.The website is for my business (one-man operation). Why do you ask? But it serves as a site for me to learn with. I am educating myself in webdesign with the aim of becoming a professional in the field.
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Ok, I think I've got it sorted out.I rewrote the entire code and it seems to look alright now. I think what I did to correct the problem was to make the image the div background rather than trying to get the image to fit into the div by some other means (html).Anyways, it seems to work, and I've really cleaned up my code quite a bit, now, too!Pretty proud of how it looks - and it's verified!You can see it here:

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