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Changing data in csv file


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I have a csv file with some user data seperated by comma's that looks like:UserID,Points,Nickname,Firstname,LastnameWhat I want is to add Points to a users account (data) if (s)he has won a random price.prk is the UserID that is send from a form if the user clicks a certain button.What I can't get to work is the part where it should add the Points won by the user.Everything else is working fine.

<?php include("config.php");$prk = $_POST['prk'];	$tt = rand(0,100);	$fh = fopen($dataLog, 'a') or die("can't open file");	$IP = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]; // Check if a user has won credits		if ($tt < (100 / $winkans))		{			// Tell the user (s)he has won credits			echo ('Gefeliciteerd. U heeft gewonnen');			$msg = " Submitted on $date at $time. From $IP\n";			fwrite($fh, $prk);			fwrite($fh, $msg);		// Add credits to user account			$target = 'out.txt';			$sh = fopen($dataUsers, 'r');			$th = fopen($target, 'w');			while (!feof($sh))				 {					$tempData = fgetcsv($sh,",");					if ($tempData[0] == $prk)						{							$tempData[1] = $tempData[1]++;							fputcsv($th,$tempData);						}					else					{						fputcsv($th,$tempData);					}				}			fclose($sh);			fclose($th);			// delete old source file			unlink($dataUsers);			// rename target file to source file			rename($target, $dataUsers);		}// Add entry in log file if someone has clicked but not has won	else		{			// Tell the user (s)he has not won credits			$msg = "AAA000 Submitted on $date at $time. From $IP\n";			fwrite ($fh, $msg);			echo('Helaas, deze keer heeft u geen credits gwonnen');		}	fclose($fh);?></body>

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I changed$tempData[1] = $tempData[1]++;to $tempData[1] = $tempData[1] +1;and now the credits are awarded, but now I am getting"Warning: fputcsv() expects parameter 2 to be array" in this linefputcsv($th,$tempData);I checked the csv file and the error seem to happen when all data has been read/written.How to solve it?

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