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Gallery Photo Addon


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So host gator comes with a bunch of possible addons and one is Gallery which is a photo album addon for webpages or a stand alone album page. The problem Im having is getting it to embed in my page. The directions they gave are fairly confusing to me and left me lost. http://gallery.menalto.com/ <<< thats the main page for the app. http://codex.gallery2.org/Gallery2:How_to_...g_embedded_mode <<< This is there tutorial for embedding it into a website. It says it only has 3 things to edit and then it says to edit the html above or below the echo line which im not exactly sure what to edit since I dont know how its gonna look. I guess maybe one of the biggest things that confuses me is in this code

$g2_Config['path'] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/';$g2_Config['g2Uri'] = '/gallery2/';$g2_Config['embedUri'] = '/gallery2/gallery2embedded.php';

It says # path = Path to your gallery2 install# g2Uri = absolute URL path from document root to the Gallery 2 directory# embedUri = absolute URL path from document root + filename (and any query parameters, but NO path) for access point am I actually taking out the g2Uri and the embeduri or do I replace the part AFTER the = sign. And for the the config['path'] part if anyone knows how would I write that line? Any help is appreciated and merry christmas to all. I definately wouldnt ask for anyones help on christmas day since its defiantely a time to relax (even tho to me this is relaxing stuff lol) but the military is moving me on monday morning and I wanted to get the photo thing done for the family before I left.

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I have it embedded succesfuly now im just trying to work with firebug to determine where some of the areas are to edit cause it seems to be broken down into multiple .tpl (theme) files with alot of includes making it a pain.

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