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Iframe Html


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How can i retreive the html of a document in an iframe with javascript?I've made an editable iframe so people can type up some content for my site and by means of inserting images, I wish for them to do a code and so i need to have a submit button that only sends the html of the newly edited iframe to a php script whici changes [ img] ninto '<img src="' and [/ img] into '" alt="" border="1" />' but I can't find how to retreive the html of the newly modified iframe document...I have tried:

	iframe = document.getElementById("editme").contentDocument || document.getElementById("editme").contentWindow.document;	alert(iframe.innerHTML)

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I have solved this problem, by calling a function that sets variable from the iframe's document returned value, however I have another problem, can i use the execCommand() to insert key words into the document? I wish to have a pull down menu with a list of countries, and if a uer wishes to insert that country as a string, he/she chooses it from the menu and once it has been set, the value of that <option> is inserted as a string to the desired placement in the editable document, is this possible?

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execCommand is now widely supported beyond IE, but you don't want it for this. Here is the correct method for adding an option:

var opt = document.createElement('option');opt.text = "Whatever";opt.value = "Something";var sel = document.getElementById("my_select");try {	sel.add (opt, null); // W3 STANDARD -- NULL APPENDS TO THE END -- PASS AN INDEX TO INSERT} catch (ex) {	sel.add (opt); // IE}

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What I find works in all but IE is the following: iframe:

<script type="text/javascript">function check(){var vera = document.all[0].innerHTML;alert(vera);return vera;}</script>type your text here

parent document:(the iframe has a name="editme" and id="editme")

	text = window.editme.check() || document.frames("editme").document.check();

text = window.editme.check() works fine for all but ie, and after some research, I found on the following link: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms...58(VS.85).aspx#that ie accesses iframes differently, their exemple:

sColor = document.frames("sFrameName").document.body.style.backgroundColor;

to get the background color of the iframe document, so i tried adding document.frames("editme").document.check(); to access the function in the iFrame, but still no luck,can anyone help ?

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