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Accordion Script?


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This is an Accordion script from Stickman Labs. (demo here)What I'm wondering is how to modify the script to allow more than one section open.So instead of closing an active section when someone clicks on a different section just open that section in addition to the already active one.Any and All help is appreciated. :]

if (typeof Effect == 'undefined') 	throw("accordion.js requires including script.aculo.us' effects.js library!");var accordion = Class.create();accordion.prototype = {	//	//  Setup the Variables	//	showAccordion : null,	currentAccordion : null,	duration : null,	effects : [],	animating : false,		//  	//  Initialize the accordions	//	initialize: function(container, options) {	  if (!$(container)) {		throw(container+" doesn't exist!");		return false;	  }	  		this.options = Object.extend({			resizeSpeed : 8,			classNames : {				toggle : 'accordion_toggle',				toggleActive : 'accordion_toggle_active',				content : 'accordion_content'			},			defaultSize : {				height : null,				width : null			},			direction : 'vertical',			onEvent : 'click'		}, options || {});				this.duration = ((11-this.options.resizeSpeed)*0.15);		var accordions = $$('#'+container+' .'+this.options.classNames.toggle);		accordions.each(function(accordion) {			Event.observe(accordion, this.options.onEvent, this.activate.bind(this, accordion), false);			if (this.options.onEvent == 'click') {			  accordion.onclick = function() {return false;};			}						if (this.options.direction == 'horizontal') {				var options = $H({width: '0px'});			} else {				var options = $H({height: '0px'});						}			options.merge({display: 'none'});									this.currentAccordion = $(accordion.next(0)).setStyle(options);					}.bind(this));	},		//	//  Activate an accordion	//	activate : function(accordion) {		if (this.animating) {			return false;		}				this.effects = [];			this.currentAccordion = $(accordion.next(0));		this.currentAccordion.setStyle({			display: 'block'		});						this.currentAccordion.previous(0).addClassName(this.options.classNames.toggleActive);		if (this.options.direction == 'horizontal') {			this.scaling = $H({				scaleX: true,				scaleY: false			});		} else {			this.scaling = $H({				scaleX: false,				scaleY: true			});					}					if (this.currentAccordion == this.showAccordion) {		  this.deactivate();		} else {		  this._handleAccordion();		}	},	// 	// Deactivate an active accordion	//	deactivate : function() {		var options = $H({		  duration: this.duration,			scaleContent: false,			transition: Effect.Transitions.sinoidal,			queue: {				position: 'end', 				scope: 'accordionAnimation'			},			scaleMode: { 				originalHeight: this.options.defaultSize.height ? this.options.defaultSize.height : this.currentAccordion.scrollHeight,				originalWidth: this.options.defaultSize.width ? this.options.defaultSize.width : this.currentAccordion.scrollWidth			},			afterFinish: function() {				this.showAccordion.setStyle({		  height: 'auto',					display: 'none'				});								this.showAccordion = null;				this.animating = false;			}.bind(this)		});		options.merge(this.scaling);	this.showAccordion.previous(0).removeClassName(this.options.classNames.toggleActive);			new Effect.Scale(this.showAccordion, 0, options);	},  //  // Handle the open/close actions of the accordion  //	_handleAccordion : function() {		var options = $H({			sync: true,			scaleFrom: 0,			scaleContent: false,			transition: Effect.Transitions.sinoidal,			scaleMode: { 				originalHeight: this.options.defaultSize.height ? this.options.defaultSize.height : this.currentAccordion.scrollHeight,				originalWidth: this.options.defaultSize.width ? this.options.defaultSize.width : this.currentAccordion.scrollWidth			}		});		options.merge(this.scaling);				this.effects.push(			new Effect.Scale(this.currentAccordion, 100, options)		);		if (this.showAccordion) {			this.showAccordion.previous(0).removeClassName(this.options.classNames.toggleActive);						options = $H({				sync: true,				scaleContent: false,				transition: Effect.Transitions.sinoidal			});			options.merge(this.scaling);						this.effects.push(				new Effect.Scale(this.showAccordion, 0, options)			);						}			new Effect.Parallel(this.effects, {			duration: this.duration, 			queue: {				position: 'end', 				scope: 'accordionAnimation'			},			beforeStart: function() {				this.animating = true;			}.bind(this),			afterFinish: function() {				if (this.showAccordion) {					this.showAccordion.setStyle({						display: 'none'					});								}				$(this.currentAccordion).setStyle({				  height: 'auto'				});				this.showAccordion = this.currentAccordion;				this.animating = false;			}.bind(this)		});	}}

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