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Function Not Properly Working


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Where am I going wrong? First part of the code is working fine but when I press the "Activate" link, the function runs but it only puts 2 in the "out.txt" file and does not add anything to "$dataUsers".

<?php	include ("../config.php");// Open the user database and check if there is a account waiting for approval	$fh = fopen("../$dataNew",'r') or die("can't open file");		while (!feof($fh))		{			$tempData = fgetcsv($fh,",");			if ($tempData[0] == 1)				{					echo "<table cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"2\" border=\"0\">\n";					echo "<tr><td align=\"right\">Level : </td>\n";					echo "	<td>$tempData[0]</td></tr>\n";					echo "<tr><td align=\"right\">Gebruikersnaam : </td>\n";					echo "	<td>$tempData[1]</td></tr>\n";					echo "<tr><td align=\"right\">Wachtwoord : </td>\n";					echo "	<td>$tempData[2]</td></tr>\n";					echo "<tr><td align=\"right\">Voornaam : </td>\n";					echo "	<td>$tempData[3]</td></tr>\n";					echo "<tr><td align=\"right\">Achternaam : </td>\n";					echo "	<td>$tempData[4]</td></tr>\n";					echo "<tr><td align=\"right\">Straat : </td>\n";					echo "	<td>$tempData[5]</td></tr>\n";					echo "<tr><td align=\"right\">Huisnummer : </td>\n";					echo "	<td>$tempData[6]</td></tr>\n";					echo "<tr><td align=\"right\">Toevoeging : </td>\n";					echo "	<td>$tempData[7]</td></tr>\n";					echo "<tr><td align=\"right\">Postkode : </td>\n";					echo "	<td>$tempData[8]</td></tr>\n";					echo "<tr><td align=\"right\">Plaats : </td>\n";					echo "	<td>$tempData[9]</td></tr>\n";					echo "<tr><td align=\"right\">E-mail : </td>\n";					echo "	<td>$tempData[10]</td></tr>\n";					echo "<tr><td align=\"right\">Geboorte datum : </td>\n";					echo "	<td>$tempData[11]</td></tr>\n";					echo "<tr><td align=\"right\">Telefoon : </td>\n";					echo "	<td>$tempData[12]</td></tr>\n";					echo "<tr><td align=\"right\">Toestel : </td>\n";					echo "	<td>$tempData[13]</td></tr>\n";					echo "<tr><td align=\"right\">Geslacht : </td>\n";					echo "	<td>$tempData[14]</td></tr>\n";					echo "<tr><td align=\"right\">Credits : </td>\n";					echo "	<td>$tempData[15]</td></tr>\n";					echo "<tr><td align=\"right\">Aanmeld datum : </td>\n";					echo "	<td>$tempData[16]</td></tr>\n";					echo "</table>\n";				}		}		fclose($fh);?><a href="<?php echo("$PHP_SELF?execute=myfunction")?>"><b>Activate</b></a><p><?php if ( isset($execute) ){approved();}		function approved()			{// Change user status to active			$target = 'out.txt';			$sh = fopen("../$dataUsers",'r') or die("can't open file");			$th = fopen($target, 'w');			while (!feof($sh))				 {					$tempDat = fgetcsv($sh,",");					if ($tempDat[1] == $tempData[1])						{							$tempDat[0] = 2;							fputcsv($th,$tempDat);						}					else						{						fputcsv($th,$tempDat);						}					}			fclose($sh);			fclose($th);			// delete old source file			unlink($sh);			// rename target file to source file			rename($target, $dataUsers);			}?>

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I solved it. This is the change I made. No seperate file that holds new users, just 1 file with the users and then change the status data ($tempdata[0]) I hope This little code is helpfull to others.

<a href="<?php echo("$PHP_SELF?execute=myfunction")?>"><b>Activate</b></a><p><?php if ( isset($execute) )	{			$target = 'out.txt';			$fh = fopen($dataUsers,'r') or die("can't open file");			$th = fopen($target, 'w');			while (!feof($fh))				 {					$tempData = fgetcsv($fh,",");					if ($tempData[1] == $name)						{							$tempData[0] = 2;							fputcsv($th,$tempData);						}					else					{						fputcsv($th,$tempData);					}				}			fclose($fh);			fclose($th);// delete old source file			unlink($dataUsers);// rename target file to source file			rename($target, $dataUsers);			}?>

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