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How would I specify which key is being pressed in the code. I wouldn't be able to put onshiftdown or something?I want to make my code so that if i hold shift or ctrl or some other key of my choosing, I can get a chosen result.

function init () { var links = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for (var i = 0; links[i]; i++) {  links[i].onclick = function rolld() {   var sides = this.id.match(/[0-9]+$/);    var d=(Math.floor(Math.random()*Number(sides)) + 1);   var result = document.getElementById("d"+ sides +"result");   result.innerHTML = d;   var x = d/sides;/*I want to begin with an if statement, saying that if I am holding down the Shift key (or whatever i want), that i can change the code to max the output. I can easily do the math and most of the coding, I just simply need to know what the condition coding is for holding down a key, or even better if i can press say, f10 or some random key the condition will be triggered as "on" and will not go "off" until f10 or the key is pressed again. I would like to know both if possible */   if (sides == 3 && d == 1) {	result.style.color = "#00d800";   } else if (sides == 3 && d == 2) {	result.style.color = "#eeee00";   } else if (sides == 3 && d == 3) {	result.style.color = "#d80000";	result.innerHTML += "!";   } else if (sides == 2 && d == 1) {	result.style.color = "#00d800";   } else if (sides == 2 && d == 2) {	result.style.color = "#d80000";	result.innerHTML += "!";   } else if (x <= .25 && x > 0) {	result.style.color = "#00d800";   } else if (x > .25 && x <= .50) {	result.style.color = "#eeee00";   } else if (x > .50 && x <= .75) {	result.style.color = "#ffaa00";   } else if (x > .75 && x < 1) {	result.style.color = "#d80000";   } else if (x == 1) {	result.style.color = "#d80000";	result.innerHTML += "!";   }   return false;  } }}window.onload = init;

Any ideas? Thanks

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Play around with this.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"   "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"><html>	<head>		<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1">		<title></title>		<style type="text/css">			div {				width: 4em;				float: left;			}		</style>		<script type="text/javascript">			function init () {				document.onkeydown = function (e) {					e = e || window.event;					var k = e.keyCode || e.which;					if (k >= 32) {						document.getElementById("keys").innerHTML += k + " = " + String.fromCharCode(k) +"<br>";					}					if (e.shiftKey) {						document.getElementById("modifiers").innerHTML += "Shift<br>";					}					if (e.altKey) {						document.getElementById("modifiers").innerHTML += "Alt<br>";					}					if (e.ctrlKey) {						document.getElementById("modifiers").innerHTML += "Control<br>";					}					if (e.metaKey) {						document.getElementById("modifiers").innerHTML += "Meta<br>";					}				}			}			window.onload = init;		</script>	</head>	<body>		<div id="keys"><br></div>		<div id="modifiers"><br></div>	</body></html>

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Ok thanks! I experimented a bit and came up with:

document.onkeydown = function (e) {   cheat = 0   if (e.shiftKey && cheat == 0) {	   cheat = 1	 } else if (e.shiftKey && cheat == 1) {	   cheat = 0   }

that should allow me to toggle a cheat each time the shift key is pressed. Now I can just add an if statement in the other section of the code using the global cheat variable and that should solve my problem. Thanks!

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