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Problem With Background Opacity


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I've tried everything I can think of, but I'm new to this so I'm sure you guys can see what I'm doing wrong. I have a div containing a paragraph and I've set the div background to gray. I want the gray background to be semi-transparent. I plug my code into the example editor and it works so there must be something else going on. Here's my css so far. The box in question is div#intro .

body{background-image:url('pictures/coinbackground.jpg');margin: 0;text-align: center;}div#entire {margin: 1em auto;width: 900px;border: ridge;}div#titlebar{margin: 0 auto;width: 900px;border: 0;}div#coinborder{margin: 0 auto;position: relative;top: -151px;}div#menubar{width: 796px;background: black;text-align: center;position: relative;top: -697px;left: 34px;z-index: -1;padding: 5 5 2 5;}div#intro{width: 796px;background-color: gray;position: relative;top: -680px;left: 34px;opacity: 0.5;filter: alpha(opacity=50);}div#intro p{font-weight: bold;width: 500px;}div#toDateInfo{width: 796px;background: gray;position:relative;top: -315}div#main{width: 800px;position: relative;top: -280;text-align: left;}p.center{text-align: center;}

There is nothing special about the html...just a div id'd "intro" containing a basic paragraph. Everything else seems to be working fine.

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I'm using IE7 and I have all 3 versions of the code there.I checked firefox and the opacity works, however, now I have a problem with things aligning correctly. I knew I was doing something wrong. Anyway, I don't understand why I can see things that are semi-transparent in IE7 like all the examples in the second link you sent me, but I can't see it in my own code.

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*sigh* I checked Opera as well and it loaded the opacity ok too. I have some javascript on my page which IE considers activex or something, and thus far I hadn't messed with clicking the drop down banner to load the activex. Well, as soon as I did that, the opacity loaded. Problem solved. Now I just have to figure out why the items are lining up differently in all 3 different browsers. But that's another topic for another day.

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