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Multiple Output Using Xslt Using 1.0

Guest Mike Bennett

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Guest Mike Bennett

I have some XML (structure not important for the purposes of this)I want to have a XSLT stylesheet that can parse the XML and produce multiple HTML files.I know XSLT 2.0 has the ability to do this howeverHere's the catch !!!I need to use the MS XML parser in my C# .net Application so I can only use 1.0.Any help would be GREAT.Thanks in advance

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SAXON is an XSLT 2.0 processor. It's available for .NET too, and thus, to C# (just download the last "n" version). It does mean you'll have to include a version of it with your app, thereby enlarging it a little, but non the less - it can be done if you're willing to include an additional assembly.As for XSLT 1.0... there's EXSLT's exsl:document, but that's only supported by libxslt. I don't know of any Microsoft specific extension that would allow you to do that.You can always create and run several XSLT transformations though.
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