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need help with simple form


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I am trying to add an option to my website where any visitor can click a button and send an email to thier friends (emails that they enter) recommending the website. i have tried several of the free tell a friend scripts i have found but none have been very simple and I am not very experienced with this. is there a code that I could copy and paste into the html of the page where i would like to paste it?

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this is the code i copied and pasted:<!-- Start Bravenet.com Service Code --><script language="javascript">function p() {window.open('http://pub14.bravenet.com/announce/show.php?usernum=xxxxxxxxxx&cpv=2','bnettaf','width=525,height=570,scrollbars=yes,top=10,left=150,toolbars=no,resizable=1');}</script><div align="center"><a href="java script: p();"><img title="Free Tell A Friend from Bravenet.com" alt="Free Tell A Friend from Bravenet.com" src="http://assets.bravenet.com/cp/announce.gif" border="0" /></a> <a title="Free Tell A Friend from Bravenet.com" href="http://www.bravenet.com"><img src="http://assets.bravenet.com/cp/bn-announce.gif" alt="Free Tell A Friend from Bravenet.com" border="0"></a></div><!-- End Bravenet.com Service Code -->this is the code that remains when i return to check it after i have saved it:><BR><!-- Start Bravenet.com Service Code --><DIV align=center><A href="java script: p();"><IMG title="Free Tell A Friend from Bravenet.com" alt="Free Tell A Friend from Bravenet.com" src="http://assets.bravenet.com/cp/announce.gif" border=0></A> <A title="Free Tell A Friend from Bravenet.com" href="http://www.bravenet.com/"><IMG alt="Free Tell A Friend from Bravenet.com" src="http://assets.bravenet.com/cp/bn-announce.gif" border=0></A></DIV><!-- End Bravenet.com Service Code -->something is deleting or changing the code and i cant figure it out. is there any help for my problem?

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That is what seems to be the problem, my hosting service had informed me that the code had to be php to work on the site (I used thier software to design my website) is there any place where i can find a simple code to copy and paste into my html? just a simple "tell a friend about this site" code

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That is what seems to be the problem, my hosting service had informed me that the code had to be php to work on the site (I used thier software to design my website) is there any place where i can find a simple code to copy and paste into my html? just a simple "tell a friend about this site" code

That doesn't make any sense. It's my understanding that javascript is run on the client side, within the browser itself. Which means your hosting server would be of no factor in the equation...only your users' browser (and whether or not they have Javascript disabled) would matter.I'd still suggest taking this to the Javascript forum and trying it out on your site. I have a hard time believing that javascript is dissabled on your hosting site.
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Try this website, it'll write all the code you need for you:http://www.tele-pro.co.uk/scripts/contact_form/It's not quite what you are looking for, the form it generates only sends to one predefined address, however I bit of tweaking and modification should get it to do as you wish :) If you can't manage it yourself then just come back and ask for some more help and I'll see what I can do for you :)One thing I would point out is that such a form in which the user can modify the email headers does leave you open to abuse, a clever hacker can use your form to annonymously send spam from your server :( won't necessarily effect you personally, but its the kind of thing everyone should be on gaurd against.

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