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Reverse FadeIn effect...


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This pagehttp://www.w3schools.com/dhtml/dhtml_examples.aspgives a beautiful demo for "Fadein" effect. I just wanna use it. But, I just copy everything directly to my .htm file without add anything else (of course, I will not forget the line <meta http-equiv="Page-Enter" content="blendtrans(duration=3.0)"> )But, I got just the reverse FadeIn effect.When I click the button, it doesn't Fadein at all. But when I click "Back" on the Toolbar, it fade back into the former webpage.Is there anybody else who has the same symtom?And, how to solve this problem then?? I'm sure it's nothing to do with my coding, fully copy!!!! Anything worng with the browser?? Or, the "page-enter" of DHTML is not stable at all?CheersJIA Pei

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That is under the section "Page-enter Effects", right? Notice these ONLY work in IE. They are not part of the standard. I still don't understand why w3schools has so many of these things - it just makes the people coming here to learn learn the wrong things.The example given just changes the page to another page when you click the button. It is actually silly that they used a button, as if the button does something magical. You can use a link to the page, or just put it on your page and it will show the effect when it is loaded.I don't recommend taking the time to learn these things. They may seem cool at first, but they get annoying later - and they only work in IE. Stick with standards that work in most browsers.

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