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Opinions on IFRAME tag


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I'm interested in opinions about the usage of the IFRAME tag. I understand that it won't work with "older" browsers. Is there anything I should watch out for (in terms of browser compatibility) when implementing this tag? Any other comments or suggestions are welcomed as well.

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I only use Iframes for executeing a server side function through javascript (AJAXish). I alos have a rich text editor that uses an iframe (it is the only way to make a rte cross browser).

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just like any other tag that contains the word frame, when planned for, used, and implemented correctly a frame can be very powerful. I've used it in the past for "plugging" applications into third party hosts. Say I have built and application that they want in their site, I can code my page to be called in a borderless iframe and when placed on their site with the proper height and width, no one would know it was there unless you viewed the source - especially when you consider my application is driven by a dynamic user defined stylesheet that allows the user to apply a look and feel that matches their site.My first implementation of this concept was done years ago for a hobby site I created:http://www.1lifeservers.com/cfm/infoapp-codecreator.cfm(the default IP is old, use this one: then apply some colors to match your site and paste my code - my application gets run (seemlessly) in your website.)This, as I mentioned is old and crude. Now, I do not pass all the information in the URL like I do there. Now I just pass an account ID and have teh page look up all the information it needs to dynamically create the stylesheet.So, frames can be very powerful if used correctly, but they are not neccessarily the only way to go as previously mentioned.lol - my forum was hacked recently - this site is so old I don't even check it anymore - HAH - I had to unhack it three months ago.

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