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Signleton Design Pattern For Database Class


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Not necessarily, for example, you could have an instance for each table you were operating on, or an instance per database.

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I don't think it really makes a difference as long as you are closing your connections after you are done using them. I don't use a true Singleton with my Repository class but it seems like a similar idea. I use a static data context and use static methods for retrieving data. (This is designed for LINQ to SQL)

public class Repository<T> : IDisposable where T : class, IEntity {	 private static DataContext _context = null;	 private TransactionScope _scope = null;	 	 public Repository() {	 	 }	 	 public static DataContext Context {		 get {			 if(_context == null)				 _context = DataHelper.GetDataContext();			 			 return _context;		 }		 set { _context = value; }	 }	 	 public static T Get(int id) {		 var entity = Context.GetTable<T>()			 .Where(x => x.Id == id);			 		 return entity.Count() == 1 ?			 entity.Single() : default(T);	 }	 	 public static ICollection<T> Find(Func<T, bool> expression) {		 		 var list = Context.GetTable<T>()			 .Where(expression);			 		 return list.Count() > 0 ?			 list.ToList() : new List<T>();	 }	 	 public void Save(T entity) {		 if (_scope == null)			 throw new ApplicationException("Cannot save entity. Scope is null.");	 		 if(entity.Id == 0)			 Context.GetTable<T>().InsertOnSubmit(entity);	 }	 	 public void Delete(T entity) {		 if (_scope == null)			 throw new ApplicationException("Cannot delete entity. Scope is null.");			 		 if(entity.Id > 0)			 Context.GetTable<T>().DeleteOnSubmit(entity);	 }	 	 public void BeginTransaction() {		 _scope = new TransactionScope();	 }	 	 public void CommitTransaction() {		 if(_scope == null)			 throw new ApplicationException("Cannot commit transaction. Scope is null.");		 		 Context.SubmitChanges();		 _scope.Complete();	 } 	 public void Dispose() {		 if(_scope != null) _scope.Dispose();	 } }

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