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Checkout Process Design Advice Sought


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I am creating the checkout process for my site and am having a little bit of difficulty thinking of the best way to handle orders.At the moment, items are added to either a temporary sessionBasket or a permanent userBasket db table and have identifiers in the form of the session_id and/or userid (depending on the user being logged in). When the user wants to start the checkout process, they have to log in, regardless of whether they already have (so if you leave the comp unattended nobody else can complete your order). So at the start of the order process, the items a user has in basket are in the table userBasket. Each item here has the current session_id associated with it, regardless of when it was added. I had planned on using the session_id as an order number. But I have lots of concerns. How best to proceed with an order? Should I move the items into an unchangeable `orders` table and use the sessionid and userid as identifier, or use the date? What do I do if a user bails on the purchase? Any general advice would be wonderful before I commit to silly code.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the links pod, but I have already pretty much finished the checkout process now :)

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