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Replace A String In File


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Hi all,Probably very easy for you guys, for a newbie... not really.I try to replace a string in a file through ftp. Not sure how it should be done.I assume you have to open the file, than str_replace and than save the file again? The following is probably completely wrong, and as such to show how far I am from the solution. :)

<form method="post"><input name="db_name" type="text" /><input type="submit" class="submit" value="Check database >>" /></form><?php$db_login = "../includes/db_login.php";$fh1 = fopen($db_login, 'w');$str = str_replace("test", $db_name, $str);?>

Where I try to replace 'test', with $db_name in the file "db_login.php", using the $db_name coming from the form.

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You should be able to just use file_get_contents and file_put_contents, e.g.

<form action="" method="post"><input name="db_name" type="text" /><input type="submit" class="submit" value="Check database >>" /></form><?phpif (isset($_POST['db_name'])) {$db_login = "../includes/db_login.php";$fh1 = file_get_contents($db_login);$str = str_replace("test", $_POST['db_name'], $str);file_put_contents($db_login, $str);}?>

Note: this doesn't use FTP, and you shouldn't need FTP either.Note 2: you should perform some sort of sanitizing on the form field, or else someone could insert arbitrary PHP into your file.

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You should be able to just use file_get_contents and file_put_contents, e.g.
<form action="" method="post">Thanks for the quick reply.I always get a blank file using the above. When I submit, the entire file's content is deleted and not replaced. It does not replace, it deletes. What am I doing wrong?
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Eh, logical error, the return value of file_get_contents() should be assigned to $str.

<form action="" method="post"><input name="db_name" type="text" /><input type="submit" class="submit" value="Check database >>" /></form><?phpif (isset($_POST['db_name'])) {$db_login = "../includes/db_login.php";$str = file_get_contents($db_login);$str = str_replace("test", $_POST['db_name'], $str);file_put_contents($db_login, $str);}?>

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