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Need A Coding Partner.


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I've got a big project I'm working on that should generate a lot of revenue in due time. I was working on it with another coder but he's extremely lazy and I haven't seen him for a couple days. I'm planning on selling ad space for this site so there is promise of payment once that begins to happen. The site targets the mmorpg community and is original, this means we will get quite a bit of visitors a month. If you don't know much about web advertisements read up on it here-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cost_per_mille(note that there are an estimated amount of 33million mmorpg players in the United States alone).Imagine if we could capture a fraction of that amount.So what I'm looking for is someone who knows-

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript (I'm using jquery; much quicker)
  • PHP
  • MySQL

I'm also always looking or artists. I'm not terrible at graphics and I've put together the current layout and made the current logo, but I know I'm not the most talented artist.Current progress-I've already posted a link to the subdomain template but I will repost it here aswell.http://goldensub.gamearsenal.net/The portal index was something I just slapped together so staff (what's left of it) could navigate to the Management Center without typing/location the long inconvenient url. But you can go to the index and look at the temporary logo (It's... not great. I did it in gimp because I was looking for a 3d artist and since they aren't the most abundant of graphic artists they are costly. Supply and demand).http://gamearsenal.net/(note: Hur Dur Entertainment is an inside joke with PR guy. That's not the intended name of the organisation :))Apart from this, I've put together a filemanager that can update all of the identical subdomains. I can't provide a link because it's fully functional and any visitor could damage the site. In fact I won't even post a screenshot because it's one of the most important features of the site and only management should see it (even though you already know what it does).I'm also building a forum from the ground up. I started it this last week and upon completion I noticed something I didn't like. I was calling pages with ajax and realized that disabled not only the Back button but also the ability to open multiple topics in new tabs. So I need to start over :)But I do know what I'm doing and I just need some help so this doesn't take a year to produce. That and I've never heard of something that is this big that has ever worked out with one developer. The estimated time for the project is 6 months with help. It's time consuming but web coding really isn't "hard" until you start doing innovative things.Anyway, I don't have a lot of connections so I'm looking for people who might be interested in helping.EDIT:Oh yah, if you want to talk about it more you can contact me via IM (I don't check emails)MSN: fruzzgle@hotmail.comAIM: fruzzgle

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I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but I think there are several wrong things with the way you're looking for help, which is why it appears unlikely for me that you'll find one here.1. You require too much of whoever decides to help you. I mean, if you require that, what are YOU going to do? Design and graphics?2. Let us suppose the answer is indeed "Design and graphics", among other things. "I've put together the current layout and made the current logo, but I know I'm not the most talented artist." doesn't exactly portray you as a good designer... and looking at what you have, I myself wouldn't call you one (though I wouldn't call you a "bad" designer either...). Still, if you don't do design or development, what DO you do?3. "I can't provide a link because it's fully functional and any visitor could damage the site." says to me you know nothing about how to create web applications (e.g. PHP powered web sites). If you did, you'd at least protect the site with an .htaccess password. Ideally, you'll be able to reogranize the site's content architecture so that it doesn't even need that kind of a manager.4. Suppose someone decides to help you. How is the revenue going to be shared? How many people are on the project (I assume two - you and the PR guy)? Who is in charge at what stages?Please prove me wrong.

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Oh yes, I'm sorry I didn't provide much information about myself. I wasn't thinking about your viewing point. I consider myself a programmer. I'm not a graphics artist and/or designer looking for a programmer, it doesn't work like that (as you know).All the languages I'm requesting you to know, I already know very well. Immediately after I made this topic I've been rebuilding a forum from the ground up so I am very familiar with php and mysql. I will post some screenshots. It may look similar to other forums because I've completely copied others style (using this forum as a reference actually), but the code is completely original. Board IndexThread View(You may have noticed that the thread has 0 posts. Working on it :))This forum isn't just a theme. It's fully Database dependent, I'm past the css stage for this.Also, I haven't posted the link to the filemanager because if you try to view it you will be immediate be redirected to the login page (if you aren't already logged in) or to a "restricted" page if you are logged in but you don't have the authority to view the page. That's why it's pointless to post a link. And I've built the file manager because I was having trouble with include() in a subdomain. It sounds sloppy and bad programming but it's built well and works great. I understand script and database optimization for fast processing, which I think isn't talked about all that much. People think as long as you know the code you're good enough, but I think code optimization is just as important.I've had experience building other sites and I'm confident with my abilities. I don't consider myself an amateur.

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Well, that sounds better now, except one thing.

I consider myself a programmer. I'm not a graphics artist and/or designer looking for a programmer, it doesn't work like that (as you know).
Actually it often does work like that, especially on small (2 people) projects. A designer looking for a developer, or a developer looking for a designer. Personally, I consider myself a developer, and I find it hard to work without a designer (clients are so easily fooled by eye candy... and so hard to be sold without it...). I don't explicitly look for help right now (I don't have enough free time to start a "grand project"), but if a designer wanted to work with me and convinced me he was a good designer (a portfolio or a concept sketch is enough for me), I'd gladly join forces... well... I'd call myself a bad designer, so honestly said, I'd work with any designer, but that's another thing.If indeed you are not a good designer, but are a good developer, shouldn't you be looking for a designer to help you? A designer isn't necessarily not a developer. It's just a person that is specialized in visual effects by the use of images, HTML and CSS, the same way developers are specialized in DB architecture and PHP programming.Either way, good luck finding help.
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Well I haven't found many designers that want to jump into projects without starting pay. They are usually trying to make ends meet with freelancing projects and don't have time to waste even when I guarantee future payment (I know internet promises aren't all that trustworthy). But this is just in my experience. Right now I think I can produce an adequate design for the time and hopefully when the project is nearing completion, artists will have more confidence with it. I was looking for other developers because it is a large project and I believe a very promising one. While I have the drive now, there is strength in numbers and higher chance of success.I am also acquainted with some graphic artists who I may be able to convince to help me when the time comes.

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