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Font-family Quotes


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font-family: "Lucida Console","Courier New";

Why is my font-family always using "Courier New" when I tell it to use "Lucida Console" first? This problem occurs when I'm using quotes in at least one font name. I can put "Lucida Console" after "Courier New" and it will not make a difference, I can also use font-family: "Lucida Console", Courier and it will still use the second font. "Lucida Console" will only work when it's the only font name there. This is not limited to one browser, all the browsers I test this one does it. I have tried using singe-quotes but it doesn't help. Can someone give me a workaround or at least an explanation why this is so? Is it because they are both monospaced fonts?I figured it out. It works better when you can spell "Lucida Console" correctly. I think it's time for a break. :)

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