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Calling Functions


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ok this is a 2 part issue...1. I am trying to increase the value of the quizclock in the quiz form by 1 using the seconds variable. Using the below script. I can't seem to get it to work. any ideas where I went wrong. <script type="text/javascript"> var seconds = 0 var clockId function runClock() { seconds = seconds + 1; document.quizform.quizclock.value = seconds; } </script>2. I am also trying to create a function called startClock() function that will start my web page clock. while adding the following commands. a. call the showQuiz() function to display the questions on the exam. This is what I came up with....<script type="text/javascript"> var seconds = 0 var clockId function runClock() { seconds = seconds + 1; document.quizform.quizclock.value = runClock(seconds); } function startClock() { showQuiz(); } </script>Here is the .js file that stores the functionsfunction showQuiz() { document.getElementById("quiztable").style.visibility="visible";}function hideQuiz() { document.getElementById("quiztable").style.visibility="hidden";}function gradeQuiz() { correct=0; if (document.quiz.q1[2].checked) correct++; if (document.quiz.q2[0].checked) correct++; if (document.quiz.q3[3].checked) correct++; if (document.quiz.q4[0].checked) correct++; if (document.quiz.q5[3].checked) correct++; document.getElementById("cor1").style.backgroundColor="yellow"; document.getElementById("cor2").style.backgroundColor="yellow"; document.getElementById("cor3").style.backgroundColor="yellow"; document.getElementById("cor4").style.backgroundColor="yellow"; document.getElementById("cor5").style.backgroundColor="yellow"; for (i=0; i<document.quiz.elements.length; i++) document.quiz.elements.disabled=true; return correct;}

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