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Good Ideas On How To Present Data

Guest Rippie

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Hi everyone,Would like to get some ideas on different ways of doing this...VENDOR PAGE - You select a vendor from a drop down box and click submitPRODUCT PAGE - Will show the different products of that vendor we selected on the other pageCALENDAR PAGE - Will show a calendar script for that product we selected on the product page.Currently i am using drop down boxes but i am not really happy with it, and wondered if i should use something else that drop down boxes. here is my thoughts:- Use UL & LI in a DIV to show vendors, then when you click on a vendor it will take me to a new site that has 2 DIV's for vendor and products. Float left.- Use tables with 3 columns, still use links but only print out stuff as i click on it.Current code example: www.rippie.dk/playground/techresource/vendorlist.phpHope someone can help me come up with something that looks better that down boxes.Rippie

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