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Prevent multiple votes


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I have asp poll and i want to prevent multiple votes. I try with cookies and IP tracking but have no results. User simply delete cookies and reconnect (after disconnecting and connecting he get new IP adress) and he can vote again.Second solution I try is Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER"), (Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_USER"), Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_USER") store them in database and block cheater. Problem is at my server administrator becouse he won't enable anonimus logon for security reason. What else can I do to prevent multiple votes. Sorry at my english, I hope you can understand my problem and found some solution.

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I assume you have a database table to keep track of your polls?You could add a User_Polls table to keep track of what polls the user has voted in.haveUserId | PollId | Voted (y/n)When the user votes just flag the table.

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This is another solution what I think but then I need request from visitors to be registred and thy want bother with registration proces and cheater will create more than once account and he will be able to vote more then once. I need to get some unique info from user what he can't change and what it could be?

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There is no way to really stop them from getting more than 1 account and if you block by ip they will be able to go to another pc.Ther is not a 100% sure fire method. If they are determined to cheat they will find a way.

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