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Javascript -- Remove white space characters

Guest notadummy

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Guest notadummy

My task: Omit words from a chapter. Although the words are omitted, they are replaced with white space characters. What Javascript code do I use to remove the 'replacement' white space characters? Example: words to omit = 'for', 'and', 'the', 'to'A man needs something to relieve the stress and pain for now. Should read:A man needs something relieve stress pain now. My code is as follows: CHAPTER_WORDS_TO_OMIT = Array('for', 'and', 'the', 'to');if (mytitle.match(/^<[1234567890]+>/) != null) { for (i = 0; i < CHAPTER_WORDS_TO_OMIT.length; i++) { eval('mytitle = mytitle.replace(/ ' + CHAPTER_WORDS_TO_OMIT + '/ig, " ")'); } } else {

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Funky code.Anyway, the space is being created by the replace method. See those double quotation marks near the end of the parentheses? They contain an empty space. So that's what's replacing the search term. Delete the space from the expression and you should be okay. I mean THIS:'/ig, " "should look like this:'/ig, ""

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You'll also have a double space any time one of those words is removed from the middle of a sentence.

...relieve the stress...becomes...relieve  stress...

To counter that you'll also need to check for whitespace characters in your regex.I'm not 100% sure if this is right so you'll need to test it:/\s? ' + CHAPTER_WORDS_TO_OMIT[i ] + '\s?/ig[b]Note[/b] remove the space after the i in CHAPTER_WORDS_TO_OMIT[i ] I had to add a space otherwise BBCode would format my postThe \s? tells it to look for one or zero whitespace characters. [i]If[/i] (and that's a big if :) ) this is right, I think you'll have to use a space as the replace character otherwise words will get smashed into one. (In other words, if my regex is correct, ignore what DD said above)

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I'm having success with this:

var myWord, re;var CHAPTER_WORDS_TO_OMIT = ['for', 'and', 'the', 'to']; // this shortcut is called JSONvar len = CHAPTER_WORDS_TO_OMIT.length;if (myTitle.match(/^<[0-9]+>/)) {   for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {	  myWord = CHAPTER_WORDS_TO_OMIT[i];	  re = new RegExp( "(\\s+"  +  myWord  +  ")|("  +  myWord  +  "\\s+)", "ig" );	  myTitle = myTitle.replace(re, "");   }}

Building a regex on the fly makes nasty looking code. Use of the RegExp function avoids the sinister eval() statement. I assume your titles look something like this:<1> Jimmy and the Bird Go Flying

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