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Excel writer problems


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Hey guys, I've got a question for you.I just downloaded an Excel reader/writer class and I've been working with it to test it out. Unfortunately I can't get it to work at all. Here's the link where I downloaded this from: http://www.phpclasses.org/package/1919-PHP...xcel-files.htmlAnd here's the code I'm using to test it:

require_once('excel.php');$file = 'xlsfile://test.xls';$resource = fopen($file, 'wb');if (!$resource) {	die("Couldn't open ".$file);}$arrTest1 = array(	array("Test1" => 1, "Test2" => 2, "Test3" => 3),	array("Test4" => 4, "Test5" => 5, "Test6" => 6),	array("Test7" => 7, "Test8" => 8, "Test9" => 9));$arrTest2 = array(	array("col1", "col2", "col3", "col4", "col5"),	array("col6", "col7", "col8", "col9", "col10"));fwrite($resource, serialize($arrTest1));fclose($resource);?>

I keep getting this error:Notice: Undefined index: path in c:\Inetpub\phplib\excel.php on line 74Line 74 is this:

function stream_open($path, $mode, $options, &$opened_path)	{		$url = parse_url($path);		$this->xlsfilename = '/' . $url['host'] . $url['path']; //<-- This is line 74		$this->position = 0;		$this->mode = $mode;		...}

$path refers to $file = 'xlsfile://test.xls';So my question is this: Am I forming that path correctly? If I change it to something like 'xlsfile://excel_test/test.xls' or even 'xlsfile://webportal.major.com/Test/test.xls' then I get the following error:Warning: fopen(xlsfile://excel_test/test.xls) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: "xlsStream::stream_open" call failed in C:\Inetpub\major\Test\ExcelTest.php on line 5Test is the folder where I have my test.php file. excel_test is a folder I created in the Test folder. The only way I don't get the 'failed to open stream' error is if I do it this way: 'xlsfile://test.xls'I even tried creating text.xls both in the Test folder and in Test/excel_test which didn't change anything. Can someone help me please?

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It's not complaining about the $path variable, it's complaining about the "path" string index of $url (specifically, that it doesn't exist).Anyway, I don't see anywhere in your main code where you call stream_open().

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Try to pass in the full (absolute) path to the file. It seems this wrapper doesn't respect the cwd.Also, see what's actually in $path (i.e. before it turns into an array), and see if you can debug that.Last but not least, I highly suggest you contact the author about this problem, hopefully with a suggested solution too. As someone who has developed a class himself, I find it somewhat insulting for developers to have headaches over my code, and not bother at least telling me about it.

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It's not complaining about the $path variable, it's complaining about the "path" string index of $url (specifically, that it doesn't exist).Anyway, I don't see anywhere in your main code where you call stream_open().
stream_open() is called automatically by the xlsStream class in excel.php whenever fopen() is called using the xlsfile: wrapper.
Try to pass in the full (absolute) path to the file. It seems this wrapper doesn't respect the cwd.Also, see what's actually in $path (i.e. before it turns into an array), and see if you can debug that.Last but not least, I highly suggest you contact the author about this problem, hopefully with a suggested solution too. As someone who has developed a class himself, I find it somewhat insulting for developers to have headaches over my code, and not bother at least telling me about it.
By absolute path you mean something like 'webportal.major.com/Test/text.xls'? Did that. I get an error saying that it failed to open the stream.And I completely agree with your last statement. I, too, would find that somewhat insulting. I'll be sure to let him know. :)
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I meant an absolute file path... like "D:\Documents\Test\text.xls".

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I meant an absolute file path... like "D:\Documents\Test\text.xls".
Oh, I gotcha.I tried that and it produced these two errors:Warning: parse_url(xlsfile://C:Inetpub/major/Test/test.xls) [function.parse-url]: Unable to parse url in c:\Inetpub\phplib\excel.php on line 73Warning: fopen(xlsfile://C:Inetpub/major/Test/test.xls) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: "xlsStream::stream_open" call failed in C:\Inetpub\major\Test\ExcelTest.php on line 5
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Odd... but why the "C:Interput" part? It should've been "xlsfile://C:\Inetpub\major\Test\test.xls" or "xlsfile://C:/Inetpub/major/Test/test.xls" (the slash after "C:" being the crutial part).And again, try to do some debugging in the stream_open() method, var_dump()-ing stuff, etc.

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Odd... but why the "C:Interput" part? It should've been "xlsfile://C:\Inetpub\major\Test\test.xls" or "xlsfile://C:/Inetpub/major/Test/test.xls" (the slash after "C:" being the crutial part).
:) I missed a slash! Let me try that again.Edit: Ok, still doesn't work. I'll start some debugging and var_dumping and stuff to see what I can come up with.I contacted the author, so I'll have to wait and see what he says.
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Well, I decided to abandon this one since I can't figure out why it's not working.I actually found a different file for PEAR.http://pear.php.net/package/Spreadsheet_Ex...Writer/downloadI also needed to download the OLE files too.[http://pear.php.net/package/OLE/downloadThese work beautifully. Thanks for the help though!

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