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Dropdown menu with js won't work


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Hi, I have a blog set up here: http://wuzhannanan.com/blog/. I am trying to create a dropdown menu, where if you rollover "Payroll" and "About Us," a menu appears. I am trying to replicate the navbar on this page: WebsiteI have the javascript file in the header file, but for some reason the dropdown effect will not work. Is there something I am missing or doing wrong? Thanks in advance for the help.

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I don't understand why javascript is even needed for that menu, you can do it with hover pseudo-classes. This also has nothing to do with server scripting.What makes this menu work is turning the visibility of the hidden divs on when you're hovering over a top-level menu item. You can, as I said, do it all with CSS. Check out Stu Nicholl's site.

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