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Making links changing on hover - problem


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I'm currently in the process of making a new website for my clan and I've come across a little trouble with nav. Basically I'm trying to make the nav links change to X's when they are hovered over. It works, but for some reason if the link doesn't end in ".html" then the X's display all the time in certain browsers (Chrome and IE, FireFox is fine however).

			   <ul id="afknav">				  <li><a href="../index.html"><i>Home</i><b>XXXX</b></a></li>				  <li><a href="../about.html"><i>About</i><b>XXXXX</b></a></li>				  <li><a href="../members.html"><i>Members</i><b>XXXXXXX</b></a></li>				  <li><a href="../forum"><i>Forum</i><b>XXXXX</b></a></li>			   </ul>

/* AFK Nav */#afknav li {	display: inline;	margin: auto;	text-align: center;}#afknav a:link,#afknav a:visited {	color: #FFFFFF;	padding:10px 5px 10px 5px;}#afknav a:link b {	display: none;}#afknav a:hover,#afknav a:hover b {	display: inline;}#afknav a:hover i {	display: none;		font-style: normal;}

Site:http://clanafk.x10hosting.com/forum/Thanks for any help!

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I just tried your url in IE 8 and it worked fine for me.It might be a browser issue.I would like to know the answer to this one also.

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I'm an idiot. Yep, just cleared cache and it's fine on all my browsers.Although IE cocks up phpBB. No surprise there then...
Actually, that is a surprise. I've never even heard that IE had that ability.
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