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padding-top:5px is not working


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Hi,How do I get that "*" 5 pixels down?

<div class="pnl1_pup"><span class="pnl1_pup-in">Change Selected Vehicle</span><span class="redTreb11" style="padding-left:42px;padding-top:5px">*</span></div><div class="pnl2_pup" style="border:0px solid #f00;"><select><option>Jeep</option></select>  
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Use relative positioning:

.redTreb11 {	position:relative;	top:5px;}

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Hi Synook,Well - The "position:relative;" and "top:5px;" did not work but however, I managed myself by altering the line-height from 22 to a 11 and it did the trick :)

.redTreb11-a { FONT-WEIGHT: normal; FONT-SIZE: 11px; COLOR: #ec1c3b; LINE-HEIGHT: 22px; [11px] FONT-STYLE: normal; FONT-FAMILY: Trebuchet MS; padding-left: 42px;}
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  • 2 weeks later...

You might also use <sub></sub> or <sup></sup> to define sub- and super-text respectively, which are shown a little smaller than the used type, and at the bottom or top of the line respectively. As <sup>TM</sup> does for the html "™" entity :)

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You might also use <sub></sub> or <sup></sup> to define sub- and super-text respectively, which are shown a little smaller than the used type, and at the bottom or top of the line respectively. As <sup>TM</sup> does for the html "™" entity :)
Hi Jack,I didn't get you. However, could you please explain with the Examples OR Screenshot?FYI - From past 6 years, never used "<sub></sub>" and "<sup></sup>" tags. By the way what does it do? Why do we need to use that? How do we need to use that?Thanks!
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The sub and sup elements simply define subscript and superscript text, respectively. Try them!

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Sorry if my explanation was a little vague. Let me try like this:<sup> makes its text smaller and moves it to the top of the line the element is in. So this:"2<sup>3</sup> equals 8"Shows:2³ equals 8<sub> works the same, but moves it to the bottom of the line (I can't show that in a post without HTML enabled):H<sub>2</sub>OShows the chemical notation of water, with a little 2 in the middle of the two letters, a little below the line. I actually used the right-alt version of the 3-key on my keyboard to produce the <sup>ed character, as some numbers are predefined on some keyboards. But the real effect these elements produce might slightly differ. They are not particularly useful in the first place, but if you need a few characters to show in smaller font than the rest of the line, they are convenient replacements for unneccessary elements that also need styling.

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