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using javaScript to write frames for job applicati


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I want to write some simple web pages to collect a substantial quantity of information from the user for a job application (include qualifications and job history). It uses a number of separate pages (at least two). The user can either go sequentially though the pages using a next button or jump around from the navigation bar. Store the data in some unchanging part of the frameset. When the user says he is done, verify that all required data has been collected and display it suitably formatted.I think I can work out how to collect the input data, but I am not sure where to store them (which frame or which page), I decided to use a left-right-bottom 3frames frameset, the left is the navigation links of steps. the right one displays the content of selected step. the bottom page contains a "submission" button, maybe a "next step" and "previous step" buttons too.Am I on the right track so far? plz suggest.1. how to store retrieved information from user input2. how to validate data3. where to put the buttons such as "submit" and "next step"

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