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It is okay if I will not validate my web site?


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It's OK... as in, it may or may not work properly in browsers.Many members around here (myself included) will not bother assisting you with issues before the HTML and CSS are valid though. And the reason for that is that some issues at one place in one browser may be the result of a validation error at another place. One can never be sure, unless actually making the page valid in the process.So... socially OK? No.

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It is "ok", in that, browsers won't crash and burn on your page, like they will if you have a malformed XML document. However, it is like having bad spelling (or grammar, rather) - user agents will have a harder time reading your document, and are more likely to make inconsistent interpretations, just like how there is ambiguity in what, e.g., "just honest", as above, means - "just be honest", or "I'm just being honest", or "my statement ['it is okay'] is the only honest one", etc.Why do you find validation hard, anyway?

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