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Hi there,I know, I know... this is probably off topic but it's the general forum right? and my comment has to do with computers/technology right? and design right? and and and :) hehehe just kidding :)Hope you are all enjoying your summer.I need your help guys.I need your votes. This would help greatly in paying a portion of my student loans.Winners of the Wordans contest receive $1 000.00 + 25 printed tees. Please Vote, forward my design to all of your friends so they can vote too.Thanks for your support :)To vote:http://www.wordans.com/contest/tshirt_desi...or-tribal-44341You can also visit wordans web site and purchase anything you'd like (lot's of designs to choose from):Click hereYou can also visit my online boutique "Store" at:http://wysiwyg.wordans.com

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