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13 hours into this bug...[Solved]


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I have some dynamically created javascript running on a page loaded into my site through an ajax call. the javascript basically loads a dynamic picture slide with a countdown etc...the problem is with the intervals that control the countdown. after hours, I finally have the interval starting in IE6 as well as FF and others. The problem is... I cannot get the pause functionto clear the interval on internet explorer...the weird thing was, to get the interval started on IE6, I had to output the javascript like this: echo('showingSlide = window.setInterval(slideShow,1000);');but, on other browsers like FireFox, I had to output it like this: echo('showingSlide = window.setInterval("slideShow()",1000);');which brings me to where I am now, running window.clearInterval(showingSlide); or clearInterval(showingSlide); works on firefox no problem.but when I try the same on IE6 the error icon pops up. any ideas?

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it's an "Object Expected" error.. says a line number, but I can't figure out where it is based on that...one thing, I've loaded the page directly in the browser and not through the ajax call, and the clearInterval works... so it's something like when the interval was not starting, some type of different syntax to make it work through the eval();

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wait, I've narrowed the problem a bit.... I don't think it has to do with the clear interval.The pause button, is within the file called by ajax, as well as the scripts that get eval()'d to work through the ajax...the pause button calls one of the functions within that script. but the function wont fire, if I do an alert() it fires. but an alert at the top of a functionwrote in that script it won't will not fire in IE, but it will fire off in FireFox. just like the interval wouldn't fire the function unless I wrote it without the ()I tried without the () in the onclick="" of the pause button but it didn't work. hopefully it gives someone else a clue?

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