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Passing Prompt Value to Callback


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Hey guys, I'm working on a custom prompt box. I've run into an issue passing the selected value back to a callback function. Here's the code for the prompt:

this.prompt = function(msg, props) {	if (dlgContainer) {		if (typeof(props) == 'object') {			var btns = {};			if ((props.style == 'button') && (props.options)) {				for (btn in props.options) {					btns[btn] = function(){me.hide(props.callback,props.options[btn])};				}			} else {				btns = {					Ok: function(){me.hide(props.callback,true)},					Cancel: function(){me.hide(props.callback,false)}				}			}			setButtons(btns);		}	}	showDialog.apply(this, []);};this.hide = function(callback) {	this.dialog.style.display = "none";	document.body.style.overflow = initOverflow;	if (callback !== undefined) {		//Adjust the arguments so that the callback is not passed back		var args = new Array();		for (x=0; x<arguments.length; x++) {			if (x>0) {				args.push(arguments[x]);			}		}		callback.apply(this, args);	}}

The problem is here:btns[btn] = function(){me.hide(props.callback,props.options[btn])};With this code, the props.options[btn] doesn't get evaluated right away. So when I click a button it always sends back the value of the last option in the list. The options object might look like this: {one: "one", two: "two", three: "three}So if I click on the button for option one, it sends the value "three" back to the callback. I know why this happens. When the for loop is done, btn is still equal to 'three' and since the props.options[btn] seems to be evaluated only after the button is clicked and its associated function called. So props.options[btn] will always be props.options['three'] which is "three"Make sense?Ok, so I've found a way to make it work. I just used the eval() function so that the props.options[btn] will be evaluated with the rest of the string, like so:btns[btn] = eval("(function(){me.hide(props.callback,"+((isNaN(props.options[btn]))?("'"+props.options[btn]+"'"):props.options[btn])+")})");So with that I'll get a function like: function(){me.hide(props.callback, 'three')}which works exactly as I want, but is this the best way to accomplish this?I hope all that made sense....:)

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